Supplier Assessment & Development



We fully understand how intense it is for you to handle the organization’s production and operation, at the same time to manage suppliers. Here at Excelforth, we have a group of consultants, proficient in their field of expertise, ready to help you in managing your suppliers with you feel that they are having quality or productivity issues. We know the productivity and efficiency of the suppliers often has a link, directly or indirectly, to the success or failure of the product.

Our approach:



Supplier Site Assessment (SSA)

Supplier Site Assessments (SSA) is to set the foundations for fact-finding analysis of supplier’s process capability, quality, productivity; leading to the supplier approval and, ultimately, the “preferred supplier” status. In our SSA program, we will help you to evaluate your existing suppliers based on the applicable regulatory requirements and your unique needs and expectations. A neutral and unbiased assessment outcome will be presented to you based on the supplier competitiveness, weaknesses and strengths, and suitability of the supplier for further development and integration.


Supplier Development

If the suppliers fall short on the standards, our Supplier Development program can help you to develop the supplier and bring them up to the standard. Training suppliers in the application of productivity and quality tools, giving them the opportunity know-how to improve through scientific ways. As a result, we will have the WIN-WIN situation where the supplier is able to improve their productivity efficiently; while you will enjoy the long-term benefit of sustainable good quality supplier.


New Supplier Due Diligence

With today online technology, sourcing a supplier from the Internet is not a very difficult task. However, to identifying a suitable supplier who can meet your expectation become more and more important. Our New Supplier Due Diligence include assessment in-line with applicable regulatory requirements and your unique needs and expectations to help you to identify the most suitable suppliers.

Our approach:

  • Develop customized Supplier Readiness Assessment Questionnaire (SRA) to your unique interests, needs and expectation
  • The SRA questionnaire includes, but not limited to, research corporate information, certifications and awards, historical and cultural factors, financial performance, marketing strategy, human resources practices, etc.
  • Perform due diligence questionnaires with the supplier’s key personnel
  • Evaluate the overall capabilities of the Supplier; corporate, organizational and operational
  • Investigate technical expertise, strength of supplier technologies and their systems
  • Familiarize with supplier’s business plans, and review their alignment with business objectives
  • Establish operational capacities and the real-life performance metrics, including historical information, suitability of facilities, equipment, infrastructure, information systems, etc.
  • Identify concerns, limitations and opportunities for further development and improvement
  • Provide comprehensive report which will summarize:
    – The overall outcome of Assessment and the resulting recommendations
    – Supplier competitiveness, weaknesses and strengths
    – Suitability of the Supplier for further development and integration
    – Proposed Supplier Development Plan, related actions, objectives, timelines and budgets
  • Assist in the above, development and integration of the suppliers, and other related tasks


Contact Us  to discuss your need.